Dark Energy Introduction

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Experimentally Based Theoretical Arguments that Unruh’s Temperature, Hawking’s Vacuum Fluctuation and Rindler’s Wedge Are Physically Real

Experimentally Based Theoretical Arguments that Unruh’s Temperature, Hawking’s Vacuum Fluctuation and Rindler’s Wedge Are Physically Real


Mohamed S. El Naschie, Dept. of Physics, University of Alexandria, Egypt

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Mohamed S. El Naschie, Experimentally Based Theoretical Arguments that Unruh’s Temperature, Hawking’s Vacuum Fluctuation and Rindler’s Wedge Are Physically Real, American Journal of Modern Physics. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 357-361. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20130206.23

The objective of the present paper is to argue that based on the reality of the observed increased rate of cosmic expansion, Unruh’s temperature, Hawking’s negative vacuum energy and Rindler’s wedge must also be a physical reality. We present first a brief derivation of the missing dark energy density of the universe which is in absolute agreement with the most recent accurate cosmological measurements and observations. The derivation is based upon a Rindler space setting, the associated wedge horizon and Unruh temperature. That way the topological ordinary energy is found to be half of the topological Unruh fluctuation mass m(O) = φ3 multiplied with the square of the topological speed of light c2 = φ2 where φ = 2 /(√5+ 1). This is exactly equal to the area of the spear-like hyperbolic triangular part of the Rindler wedge. The corresponding physical ordinary energy density is thus E(O) = (1/2)( φ3)( φ2) mc2 = (φ5/2)( mc2), where φ5 is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. The topological dark energy density on the other hand is equal half of the topological Kaluza-Klein five dimensional mass m(D) = 5 multiplied with c2 = φ2. This in turn is exactly equal to the circular segment part of the wedge which together with the hyperbolic triangular entangled area forms the complete Lorentzian invariant triangular area of the wedge. Consequently the physical dark energy density which is uncorrelated, i.e. disentangled is given by E(D) = (1/2)(5)( φ2)( mc2) = (5 φ2 /2)( mc2) in full agreement with observation. Adding E(O) and E(D) one finds E(Einstein) = mc2 in full agreement with all our previous derivations. From the above we argue that since measurements, observations and theory have shown the increased expansion to be real and because the present derivation of the same results is based on Rindler’s space and Unruh’s temperature, it follows as a logical necessity that Unruh’s temperature, Hawking’s fluctuation and Rindler’s wedge are all physically real and can be measured, at least in principle.

Hawking Vacuum Fluctuation, Unruh Temperature, Rindler Wedge, Dark Energy, Quantum Gravity, Cantorian Spacetime, Hyperbolic Fractal Geometry

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The Hydrogen Atom Fractal Spectra, the Missing Dark Energy of the Cosmos and Their Hardy Quantum Entanglement

The Hydrogen Atom Fractal Spectra, the Missing Dark Energy of the Cosmos and Their Hardy Quantum Entanglement

Mohamed S. El Naschie
In this letter, I outline the intimate connection between the fractal spectra of the exact solution of the hydrogen atom and the issue of the missing dark energy of the cosmos. A proposal for a dark energy reactor harnessing the dark energy of the Schrodinger wave via a quantum wave nondemolition measurement is also presented.
Fractal Spectra; Dark Energy; Golden Mean; KAM Theorem; Quantum Entanglement; Special Relativity

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M. Naschie, "The Hydrogen Atom Fractal Spectra, the Missing Dark Energy of the Cosmos and Their Hardy Quantum Entanglement," International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2013, pp. 167-169. doi: 10.4236/ijmnta.2013.23023.
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Dark Energy Explained via the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave and the Topology of Cosmic Crystallography

Dark Energy Explained via the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave and the Topology of Cosmic Crystallography
Mohamed S. El Naschie, Atef Helal
The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crystallography and Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Following this road we arrive at a modified version of Einstein’s energy mass relation E = mc2 which predicts a cosmological energy density in astonishing accord with the WMAP and supernova measurements and analysis. We develop non-constructively what may be termed super symmetric Penrose fractal tiling and find that the isomorphic length of this tiling is equal to the self affinity radius of a universe which resembles an 11 dimensional Hilbert cube or a fractal M-theory with a Hausdorff dimension where. It then turns out that the correct maximal quantum relativity energy-mass equation for intergalactic scales is a simple relativistic scaling, in the sense of Weyl-Nottale, of Einstein’s classical equation, namely EQR = (1/2)(1/) moc2 = 0.0450849 mc2 and that this energy is the ordinary measurable energy density of the quantum particle. This means that almost 95.5% of the energy of the cosmos is dark energy which by quantum particle-wave duality is the absolute value of the energy of the quantum wave and is proportional to the square of the curvature of the curled dimension of spacetime namely where and is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Because of the quantum wave collapse on measurement this energy cannot be measured using our current technologies. The same result is obtained by involving all the 17 Stein spaces corresponding to 17 types of the wallpaper groups as well as the 230-11=219 three dimensional crystallographic group which gives the number of the first level of massless particle-like states in Heterotic string theory. All these diverse subjects find here a unified view point leading to the same result regarding the missing dark energy of the universe, which turned out to by synonymous with the absolute value of the energy of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation while ordinary energy is the energy of the quantum particle into which the Hawking-Hartle wave collapse at cosmic energy measurement. In other words it is in the very act of measurement which causes our inability to measure the “Dark energy of the quantum wave” in any direct way. The only hope if any to detect dark energy and utilize it in nuclear reactors is future development of sophisticated quantum wave non-demolition measurement instruments.
Doubly Special Relativity; Week’s Manifold; Experimental Test of Einstein’s Relativity; Witten’s M-Theory; Ordinary Energy of the Quantum Particle; Hawking-Hartle Wave of Cosmos; Crystallographic Symmetry Groups; Revising Special Relativity

Cite this paper
M. Naschie and A. Helal, "Dark Energy Explained via the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave and the Topology of Cosmic Crystallography," International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, pp. 318-343. doi: 10.4236/ijaa.2013.33037.
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Chaotic Fractal Tiling for the Missing Dark Energy and Veneziano Model

Chaotic Fractal Tiling for the Missing Dark Energy and Veneziano Model
L. Marek-Crnjac, M. S. El Naschie
The formula for the quantum amplitude of the Veneziano dual resonance model is shown to be formally analogous to the dimensionality of a K-theoretical fractal quotient manifold of the non-commutative geometrical type. Subsequently this analogy is used to deduce the ordinary energy of the quantum particle and the dark energy of the quantum wave. The results agree completely with cosmological measurements. Even more surprisingly the sum of both energy expressions turned out to be exactly equal to Einstein’s iconic formula E = mc2. Consequently Einstein’s formula makes no distinction between ordinary and dark energy.
Hausdorff Dimension; Cantor Set; Dark Energy; Kähler Manifold; Quantum Entanglement; Veneziano Model

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L. Marek-Crnjac and M. Naschie, "Chaotic Fractal Tiling for the Missing Dark Energy and Veneziano Model,"Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4 No. 11B, 2013, pp. 22-29. doi: 10.4236/am.2013.411A2005.
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Nash Embedding of Witten’s M-Theory and the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave of Dark Energy

Nash Embedding of Witten’s M-Theory and the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave of Dark Energy
Mohamed S. El Naschie
Euclidean embedding of the 11-dimensional M-theory turned out to require a very large space leaving lavish amounts of 242 dimensional pseudo truly empty “regions” devoid of space and time and consequently of anything resembling ordinary physical energy density. It is shown here using Nash embedding that the ratio of “solid” M-theory spacetime to its required embedding “non-spacetime” is 1/22 for a classical theory and1/22.18033989 for an analogous fractal theory. This then leads to a maximal ordinary energy density equation equal to that of Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2 but multiplied with  in full agreement with previous results obtained using relatively more conventional methods including running the electromagnetic fine structure constant in the exact solution of the hydrogen atom. Consequently, the new equation corresponds to a quantum relativity theory which unlike Einstein’s original equation gives quantitative predictions which agree perfectly with the cosmological measurements of WMAP and the analysis of certain supernova events. Never the less in our view dark energy also exists being the energy of the quantum wave amounting to 95.5 present of the total Einstein theoretical energy which is blind to any distinction between ordinary energy of the quantum particle and the dark energy of the quantum wave. However, since measurement leads to the collapse of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave, dark energy being a quantum wave non-ordinary energy could not possibly be measured in the usual way unless highly refined quantum wave non-demolition technology is developed if possible. It is a further reason that dark energy having a different sign to ordinary energy is the cause behind the anti gravity force which is pushing the universe apart and accelerating cosmic expansion. Consequently it can be seen as the result of anticlastic Cartan-like curvature caused by extra compactified dimensions of spacetime. A simple toy model demonstration of the effect of curvature in a “material” space is briefly discussed.
Nash Euclidean Embedding; Quantum Entanglement; Dark Energy of the Quantum Wave; Quantum Gravity; Ordinary Energy of the Quantum Particle; Hawking-Hartle Wave of the Cosmos; Quantum Wave Non-Demolition; Witten’s M-Theory

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M. Naschie, "Nash Embedding of Witten’s M-Theory and the Hawking-Hartle Quantum Wave of Dark Energy," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 4 No. 10, 2013, pp. 1417-1428. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2013.410170.
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Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling

Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling
L. Marek Crnjac, M. S. El Naschie
Following an inspiring idea due to D. Gross, we arrive at a topological Planck energy Ep and a corresponding topological Planck length  effectively scaling the Planck scale from esoterically large  and equally esoterically small  numbers to a manageably  where P(H) is the famous Hardy’s probability for quantum entanglement which amounts to almost 9 percent and  Based on these results, we conclude the equivalence of Einstein-Rosen “wormhole” bridges and Einstein’s Podolsky-Rosen’s spooky action at a distance. In turn these results are shown to be consistent with distinguishing two energy components which results in , namely the quantum zero set particle component  which we can measure and the quantum empty set wave component which we cannot measure i.e. the missing dark energy. Together the two components add to  where E is the total energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light. In other words, the present new derivation of the world’s most celebrated formula explains in one stroke the two most puzzling problems of quantum physics and relativistic cosmology, namely the physicomathematical meaning of the wave function and the nature of dark energy. In essence they are one and the same when looked upon from the view point of quantum-fractal geometry.
Scaling the Planck Scale; Quantum Entanglement; Dark Energy; Kaluza-Klein Space-Time; Worm Hole; Action at a Distance; Unruh Temperature; Hawking’s Negative Energy; Black Hole Physics; Cantorian Geometry; Fractals in Physics

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L. Crnjac and M. Naschie, "Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 4 No. 11A, 2013, pp. 31-38. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2013.411A1005.
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