Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling
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L. Marek Crnjac, M. S. El Naschie
Following an inspiring idea due to D. Gross, we arrive at a topological Planck energy Ep and a corresponding topological Planck length effectively scaling the Planck scale from esoterically large and equally esoterically small numbers to a manageably where P(H) is the famous Hardy’s probability for quantum entanglement which amounts to almost 9 percent and Based on these results, we conclude the equivalence of Einstein-Rosen “wormhole” bridges and Einstein’s Podolsky-Rosen’s spooky action at a distance. In turn these results are shown to be consistent with distinguishing two energy components which results in , namely the quantum zero set particle component which we can measure and the quantum empty set wave component which we cannot measure , i.e. the missing dark energy. Together the two components add to where E is the total energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light. In other words, the present new derivation of the world’s most celebrated formula explains in one stroke the two most puzzling problems of quantum physics and relativistic cosmology, namely the physicomathematical meaning of the wave function and the nature of dark energy. In essence they are one and the same when looked upon from the view point of quantum-fractal geometry.
Scaling the Planck Scale; Quantum Entanglement; Dark Energy; Kaluza-Klein Space-Time; Worm Hole; Action at a Distance; Unruh Temperature; Hawking’s Negative Energy; Black Hole Physics; Cantorian Geometry; Fractals in Physics
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L. Crnjac and M. Naschie, "Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 4 No. 11A, 2013, pp. 31-38. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2013.411A1005.
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